Thursday 16 January 2014

Here are some resources for youth:
45 pages publicized 2008

hunger inter mission is a 24 hour fast like activity
good facts somewhat old  p15 but with good discussion starters

United Nations Cyberschoolbus    at

Canadian Hunger Foundation

Includes Don’t Fall for the Pity Play
Includes the Hunger Banquet an activity to look at who is hungry in our communities (needs adaptation to include Canadian stats)
Pg 5


Tuesday 14 January 2014

An interesting factsheet from the Lutherans and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank that outlines what a ration of food for an individual would look like in a refugee camp or at a feeding station.  It also includes the price of providing this amount of food.

I think measuring out these portions and presenting them  would be a useful comparsion to what we expect to eat every day.

Hope this is useful! VM

Fred Says logo
I wanted to let you know about the website developed by PWRDF called
There you will find video messages from Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and President of the Board of PWRDF.
There are 2 now: "Have you eaten today?" and "It's good to be full of beans".  As well as having a very positive message how we can support and be in partnership with the oppressed, it connects and identifies PWRDF with the Primate and the Anglican Church of Canada.  It also identifies clearly some programs and initiatives to support. There are support materials on the website that you can order.  Please like the site on Facebook.

For some reflection on this program, I look to Rev Laura-Marie Piotrowicz 's writing on the Anglican Church of Canada web site.  Check out her posting  for a starter.

For those who wish to promote Food for Life in their parishes or communities by holding educational and fund raising events, and who are looking for more background material  on food issues, we hope that this blog and the posts that are made to it, will help.

Monday 13 January 2014

Welcome to the blog of the PWRDF Ottawa Unit where we are sharing or asking people to share information where one can find useful information on Food Security appropriate for use in our parishes or broader communities. We hope that you will add a note about what the website contains and a brief discussion on how you used it or see how it could be useful.   Thank you for sharing and we hope that this blog is useful to you.  V